“In the summertime, when all the leaves and trees are green . . .” and the rain won’t stop! But we can’t really complain, because that is exactly why “all the leaves and trees are green”! Meanwhile, it is going by too quickly.
Summerfest highlight (for us) was a cooking show by Chef Nick Stellino who prepared, and we sampled, “Pasta with Romano Cheese & Salami.” All this time I thought I made the best pasta ever, but not any more! This was by far the best we have ever tasted! If you would like the recipe, just write to us: support@betterbeltbuckles.com We will be happy to share it with you, and would love to hear your feedback!
State Fair involved a two-mile walk each way, being rewarded by two hours of watching the ‘horse-pulling’ competition! Of course, corn-on-the-cob and cream puffs were our traditional treats! Irishfest is scheduled next, but I think my enjoyment of Irish music was fulfilled the other night at our local park, on a lawn chair, in the dark, in the rain . . . with the deep beat still reverberating in my chest!
Summer wildlife control is happenin’ in our yard. Well prepared, my husband sets a live trap under our plum tree to catch those squirrels who, year after year, have ravaged it of each and every plum, leaving us without so much as one plum to taste, let alone any to freeze for our favorite plum kuchen or fruit soup*. But, hopefully, not any more -- this year we catch them one at a time and drive them out into the country to release them where they can find other sport. Our bat-house is well-maintained to keep our yard free of mosquitoes, allowing us to fully enjoy the evenings outdoors. Loud rock and rap music echoes from the garage where, according to possum and raccoon experts, it will drive them crazy and force them to leave should they even choose to come near. (I have a feeling, though, that something loves that noise by the holes chewed through the walls, and the nests safely built in obscure corners . . .)
*Write for recipes, if you like.
It’s August, and we’re in the throes of summer! at least as far as we’ll probably get this year! It seems the weather has been playing tricks on us – just playing with our minds, until we’re not really sure whether we’re still waiting for summer . . . or did we miss it altogether? We're delighted, actually, with being spared those hot and muggy days of summers past.
Nevertheless, it is summer and so, to perk you up, let us help you cool down by taking off 15% of your next order! Yes, that’s 15% off your entire next order! Just place your order online and the discount will apply when you enter code: S15 in the ‘enter discount code’ box at checkout. Deadline for this special offer is midnight, Friday, August 22, 2008.
Note some of our newest belt buckles which have just been added to our store. These may be included in this month’s special summer sale.
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