Happy New Year!
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!
Ours w
as more like a nightmare . . . Oh, don't get me wrong. Christmas -- the celebration of Christ's birth, heralded by the angel's announcement to the shepherds: "Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men" -- was a joyful reminder of our purpose and the hope before us! The spirit of Christmas offered us peace in the face of the fears and the gloom that is looming for this coming year.
It started with canceled flights and record-breaking snowstorms and then, as our children finally began to arrive, they headed straight for their beds, all sick with the flu. Disappointments in missing out on pre-arranged visits and events led to cranky children. All the thoughts and efforts put into cleaning, decorating, baking, and cooking were hardly noticed, much less appreciated. However, we agreed it was better to be sick at home on holiday, with Dad always at the ready with hot honey/lemon drinks, and Mom's kisses available at the slightest whimper. Now that they are all gone again, we have finally finished the left-over turkey and dressing, potatoes and gravy . . . but are still working on the traditional shortbread cookies, pecan squares, Nanaimo bars, and all the sweet treats from friends.
We did, however, fulfill Earl’s annual dream of driving out into the country to cut down our own Christmas tree. Although prepared, he didn’t need a saw or any tool, for that matter, on this tree farm where the trees were already cut and lined up nicely, stuck on individual spikes and arranged in comfortable rows to facilitate all-around viewing and to expedite comparing. It was heart-warming to watch his expectant face as he ‘shopped’ through this ‘forest’ (of only about six trees left) and to witness his look of accomplishment as he enthusiastically yanked the chosen tree off its spike! Joel was quick on the draw and caught the event on camera!
This New Year, enjoy a reprieve and save 15% on your first belt buckle order of the year! Just enter Code: NY15 in the Discount Code box on check-out and it will apply to your total order.*
* Offer expires midnight, Sunday, January 18th.
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